How To Achieve Success With Low-Fat Baking
1. Benefits of a low-fat diet.
There are so many good benefits to eating a low-fat diet. Our bodies need certain amounts of good fats to work properly. A low-fat diet can reduce your risk of heart disease, diabetes and aid in weight loss. After I had my gall bladder removed, I had (and still do) have a hard time digesting too much fat, so following a low-fat diet is a necessity for me.
2. Choosing Healthy Fats
There are lots of choices for your baked goods when fat is concerned. You want to make sure you are using unrefined oils. My personal favorite is Better Body Organic Coconut Oil. It is organic, unrefined and flavorless so I can use it in any recipe without having my eggs taste like coconut. It is also easier for me to digest because it metabolized quickly and needs very little bile. Other great options for natural fats are nuts, seeds and avocado.
3. Only replace half the fat in your baked goods.
Some fat is necessary for taste, quality and texture of baked goods. Without it baked goods become dry, tough and rubbery. Have you ever tried to microwave cake batter in the microwave and it turned out like rubber? We don't want rubber cake. We need some fat. Fat provides a moisture that is not water soluble. If we remove all fat from our baked goods, even if we are replacing them with a substitute like applesauce, the results won't be the same. Fat prevents the batters and doughs from absorbing ALL of the moisture, which is what leads to dry, crumbly, rubbery results.
4. Replacing the other half
There are lots of great options to replace the other half of the fat in your recipes. In my cake recipes I often replace have of the fat with applesauce. Applesauce is pretty much my "go to" fat replacement, because it doesn't have a strong flavor and is not detectable in most recipes. Other fruits also make great fat substitutions such as bananas, pumpkin, dates, and prunes. Each one of these has a pretty strong flavor so you will have to decide if you want those flavors in your recipe.
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